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Coach Daniel

Coach Daniel photo Coach Daniel

Meet Coach Daniel: Pioneering Excellence in Coaching at Cambridge MMA! 

Coach Daniel is at the forefront of innovation as the first individual to complete the Cambridge MMA Coaching Pathway certification and training. Over the past year (as of June 2022), he has dedicated himself to studying coaching as a specific skill set, focusing on refining his communication and leadership skills.

Continuous Improvement: Coach Daniel's commitment to excellence is evident in his ongoing development. He has diligently honed practical abilities such as class delivery, public speaking, and lesson planning through repeated practice. This dedication ensures that Coach Daniel can now provide sharp critiques of our students' moves with a friendly demeanor and a confidence-building attitude.

Leading by Example: Coach Daniel reliably models the behaviors we value at Cambridge MMA, embodying qualities such as diligent preparation, thoughtfulness, consistent self-critique, and a commitment to continuous self-improvement. His presence on the team is a significant credit to the club, contributing to the positive learning environment we strive to cultivate.

Lucky to Have Him: We consider ourselves fortunate to have Coach Daniel on our coaching team. His passion for coaching, combined with his expertise and commitment to personal and professional growth, enriches the overall experience for our members.

Direct Contact: For any inquiries or to connect with Coach Daniel directly, feel free to reach out via email at

Join us in celebrating Coach Daniel's dedication and expertise at Cambridge MMA!